Friday, July 17, 2009

Day 5.......continued from this morning. Friday has come!

Hello Everyone!
Check out my morning blog first!

Ginny and anyone else who was on my followers, please follow me on this blog. I had trouble with the first one. the first 2 days. check and see if you are on this one please.
I called back the girl I called earlier at 2:00 as she had said for me to call her at that time. Well, I called back and no answer, Twice. I will try again after my blog. Along with the others that did not give me a time. And one I called earlier asked for me to call her at 8:00. I called her this morning, but she did not see the presentation yet.
I received an email from the woman at the beach. She is with the Chamber of Congress. She said she saw the presentation. It is not for her, but she is sending it off to a friend who might be interested in it. I will get in touch with her to try and find out what it was she feels is not for her. Also, I want to know who to bring it to at the Chamber of congress. I want to discuss with her how kids can and are involved. How I want to get them involved with raising funds for needy causes. Get them in community projects All the while, learning a business, building a team, and making their dreams a reality.

So I was set to go to the beach at 1:00. I just was going to do my calls on the beach. My husband Jerry called, he said wait for him, he wanted to go. He got home changed and we left at 2:45. He was hungry, I was too, but wanted to get my contacts.
On the way to Quizno's I got gas. I got the phone number of the gas attendant there. He wanted to give me his email, but could not remember it. He went in to try and find it for 5 minutes. He is the owner. Well, he started getting customers, he said you just have to call me. I have been trying to get him to see my site for 3 months. He works 12 sometimes 16 hours every day. I am going to print it out for him.
When we got into quiznos the lady at the register gave me her info. then I saw a young woman that I have driven to work many times the past 3 months in the cab. Now I can take her contact info. When I was driving the cab I just talked about what I do. Gave my card if they asked. Only take their info if they volunteered it.
I did not even get to the beach and I got 4 contacts already, one had no email. When we got to the beach it was really nice, 10 minutes later it looked like rain. I was sitting there and I said to my husband. I am going to go Power Malling before it rains. I wanted to get at least 6 more. I picked up my little purple n pink note pad and my invitations, and then these 2 cute 6,7 year old girls wanted to know if I wanted to buy a string necklace from them. I said: Wow own your own business do ya? sure, let me see what you got. I went over to where they were sitting with their parents. I bought the necklace and started talking to the girls and the parents about how kids can do this business and they, the parents can save money on everything they buy. I told them that I am looking for a team of kids of all ages to be in my boot camp. They would be world changers, making a difference. I told them that I am also looking for children who would like to sing in group, or play an instrument for a fundraising event that I am putting together for the homeless. The song is called Together We Can Change the World! I want to get children from all over long Island and Queens to learn the song and all come together for the event. The little girl said she sings and cannot wait. I the mom pointed to another blanket with a teenage couple on it. He plays the guitar. After getting the moms name and email only. I went over to talk to her 17 year old son. His girl did not even look up, so I directed my conversation to him. He gave me all his info. He told me he does some fund raising for 3 years for human rights and others. He seemed quite interested. Well, it started raining and people were starting to scramble. I wanted to keep on, but they didn't. Guys, you have bathing suits on! duh! We were supposed to go to a free concert tonight then I was going line dancing. It stopped raining, but I don't think it is going to stay that way. So I will go line dancing tonight. Maybe some new people there. Or maybe some will want to check me out on being world wide and famous! LOL Maybe they will just figure it out that this is HUGE! This not going to go away! It is not an MLM! It is not a scam! I have a personal mall from there, and she loves it. I am trying to get her to be a World Changer. Have a great weekend! That is 6 beans moved today! Hope to get some more.

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic, Tina! Just fantastic! You keep it up, Girl. I'm grinning ear to ear with smiles, and my heart is smiling, too ;-).
