Thursday, July 16, 2009

Sometimes you are Just Too Tired! Even When it was the Best Contact of the day!

Hello Everyone!
Last night I got into bed and started falling asleep and all of a sudden I realized I goofed. One of the girls on the beach did not give me her contact, but she liked what I was sharing with her and said she would get back to me. I forgot about the contact walking to my car. They were setting up for a lobster fest and there was a table there. It was the Chamber of Commerce! The woman I spoke to listened for a minute. Gave me her card and told me to try and call sometime tomorrow,which is today. And then invited me to a meeting at a diner august 2. Then she turned her attention elsewhere. I don't understand how I just did not blog about it. I was so tired. And a headache. Well, Got to go and move the beans!

1 comment:

  1. Hi fellow bootcamper. Just wanted to say hi and say I'm following your blog.

    Ginny Jones
