Thursday, July 23, 2009

Wk 2Thursday! I Got the Boot Camp Bug!

Hello Everyone!

I woke up this morning really sick, earache and all. Last boot camp it went around. LoL! I really was feeling horrible and the rain was pouring down. I went into my office and there was ants. I guess they had enough of the rain too. I just started going nuts in there cleaning.I sat down at the computer and it started acting up like crazy, which by the way for the past 3 hours could not get on line to do my blog.. I cannot access my gmail. And now we are having problem getting on line. I have to figure it out.

This morning after a few hours of fighting ants and the computer i finally decided that I needed to take a nap. I figured that I was in no shape to do much of anything. when I woke up it was 12:30 and I did not feel any better. I started making calls to my contacts. I did get in touch with a few but they did not see the presentation yet. I have a few call backs scheduled over the next few days. I also tried some more later in the evening. Same thing, have to call them back.
I decided that going out in this weather and the way I was feeling was not a good idea. So I dedcided that I would go through contacts that I had gotten driving the cab for the past few weeks. I got in touch with one. I drove her dad and he liked what heard. He said that his daughter is disabled and does many things for non-profits and would probably love this. He gave her my info and just a few days before I was chosen for the boot camp she called me. When I called her tonight she still did not see it. She said she would see it tonight and I should call her at 10am tomorrow.

I also was trying to get in touch with a youth group called S.T.R.O.N.G. They help to keep kids out of gangs. They are hard to reach. I spoke to a secretary about 2 months ago, sent them info via snail and emails. I need to get in touch with a man named Sergio. Maybe they will be ready now.

I want to get in touch with more youth groups and get them involved with raising money for the homeless shelter and other organizations. I want to also get the local merchants to support one another by getting a World Changer Mall. So many businesses in my area are gone. Every block there is at least 1or2 stores that just could not stay. It is so sad, and we have the answer!

I am so tired and sick, so goodnight, sleep tigt and don't let the Boot Camp Bug get ya!


  1. Tina ~~

    Hope you're feeling better real soon. Way to go pressing through even when you were feeling so poorly. You Rock! Take care, Tina.

  2. Hey woman,

    I hope you are feeling better today! I'm with Tess - thanks for pressing through even when you really just wanted to crawl into bed. I know your dreams and goals. It's those people who are willing to make the hard choices that make their dreams come true. :)

